I know this entry doesn't fit with the blog theme, but I just have to stress the true awesomeness of my 23rd birthday. I normally have some pretty kick-ass birthdays, all thanks to my delightful friends and fam (e.g. surprise 21st, 22nd in London), and this year was no different. It was a true Furfax birthday miracle, with a slew (a SLEW, I say!) of friends coming out to the burbs for bbq and karaoke. I'll miss these guys so much.

The whole crew, w/Alexlacey looking very proud of himself (likely because he's the only guy to celebrate my bday w/me for 3 consecutive years, and he
knows it)
Me and Wiz, the only former roomie who could attend (Anne in NY, Selene in med school with the gimpy arm, and Sarah in Tokyo). I got me a crown.

Now in the karaoke bahhh, with the stupid mirror, happy friends, and a ginormous book of songs. They had a million song options, yet everyone chose the most DEPRESSING songs on the planet. They had the option Spice Girls, or Wham! Come on now.

This is more like it-- jumping around to "Alcohol" by BNL-- the DJ looks so impressed.