Friday, November 30, 2007

My dog Tigra

I have a new friend, in the form of a mangy dog named Tigra. Tigra is the ugliest dog I’ve ever seen in my life, and she barks incessantly with this high-pitched, ear-splitting ROWROWROWROWROWROWROW which sometimes drives me up the wall. I like her though, mostly because she protects me from the bolos that stagger around my house from the nearby cantina. She also barks whenever a bratty kid tries to set off rockets outside my window. She even barks if the neighbor’s chickens try to eat my cilantro. She sleeps (and scratches herself for hours on end) on my front porch and keeps other dogs away. Even when she’s in heat she makes sure to do her thing with the boy dogs away from my house. She’s a class act, that Tigra… sometimes annoying, and ugly as sin, but a class act all the way.


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