Wednesday, October 03, 2007

San Jose: international news hub???

So nearly all TV channels in San Jose are pirated, so it’s not uncommon for a channel to suddenly switch from Spanish ESPN to a random cooking network. Some channels are indeed completely random, as I found out the other day while looking for any show that wasn’t a telenovela or bad Honduran news program. I was about to give up on finding something good from my 15 channels, when I switch to channel 11 and what do I find…. But AL-JAZEERA IN ENGLISH!!! I was in complete shock—I was actually watching a segment on the Nigerian Phizer lawsuit, in English, while in RURAL HONDURAS!! Of course after 10 minutes the channel abruptly shut off (probably someone realizing that only one person in the entire area would be interested in watching it) and switched to televangelism, which is more popular among the San José viewing audience. I was so thrilled, I immediately told my neighbor and she feigned excitement, but had no clue what I was talking about. It’s almost like it didn’t happen.

But I know it did. The Al-Jazeera Day. The day I received 10 minutes of real news.


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